Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and Juliet Reading Response

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a story about a boy and a girl from rival families that fall deeply in love. The characters each have their own personality that contributes to the plot. 
Romeo is a teenager that is in love with a girl (Rosaline) that does not love him back. During the night he wanders the forest, sighing and crying because of his longing for this girl. Come daylight, he comes home and shuts himself in his room, because he does not want to talk to anyone. I think Romeo finds love a very fragile thing that cannot be described through words. However, Romeo believes he has never loved until he sees Juliet. I don't think love has been very kind to Romeo.
Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and dear friend, and strongly thinks that Romeo should forget about Rosaline and move on. To Benvolio, love is not sacred (like it is to Romeo), and it should be easy to forget about a girl. I don't think he is trying to insult Romeo, because it really seems like he was worried when he talked about how Romeo was reacting to his un-returned love for Rosaline.
Mercutio is Romeo's other friend, who has an easier time calling Romeo out on the ridiculous things he does. For instance, when Romeo speaks of a dream, Mercutio mocks him by describing Queen Mab, a small fairy-like creature that brings specific dreams to people. But like Benvolio, Mercutio still cares about Romeo. When they all attend a masked banquet, Mercutio urges a reluctant Romeo to dance. He wants him to move on as well. I like Mercutio, because he seems like a very fun, lively character that brings a little humor into the play. 
Juliet is a young girl that is faced with the decision to marry a powerful Count named Paris. She does not want to marry at all, but considers it because it is what her parents want. When she sees Romeo, it is love at first sight. Even though he is a Montague,  she wants to be with him. Juliet is a very interesting character, because it seems that she hasn't really thought of love since she met Romeo.
With all of these characters, Romeo and Juliet is brought to life. 

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