Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nightrise- By Anthony Horowitz

Nightrise is the third book in the series of The Gatekeepers. This book with fill you with suspense and have you on the edge of your seat, unable to put the book down. Anthony Horowitz writes in such detail, making you feel like you are a part of the story. If he describes a place or a person, when close your eyes you will have the most vivid image in your mind, down to the last detail. The main character's name is Jamie Tyler. He has a twin brother named Scott, and they don't exactly live the luxury life. They were abandoned at birth and found in a cardboard box outside of an alley. They ended up traveling with a lame circus, where they had to put up with their abusive guardian. That doesn't sound like such a promising future, but Scott and Jamie are actually very special. They can read minds! And it turns out, they are part of a special prophecy that will come into play soon enough. Three other kids around the world are also part of this prophecy, and they have protectors that look out for them if they come to serious harm. But it isn't just good guys that are watching the twins. An evil group called Nightrise has taken interest in them, and will stop at nothing to get them. Nightrise makes their move and attacks, but only Scott is captured. Now before, Scott had always protected Jamie, and it even says that Jamie thought of Scott as his big brother rather than his twin. Now Jamie has to fend for himself, but not completely alone...a woman named Alicia who has lost her son to Nightrise has agreed to help Jamie find Scott, but still, the chances are not good. Jamie really matures throughout the book and shows true dedication to his brother when he puts himself in jail to find answers. Eventually, a tragic accident brings Jamie to the ancient past, where he discovers the other four Gatekeepers. A battle is fought, and Jamie takes part in it, because it was his destiny. Anthony Horowitz confuses the reader by talking about how the Gatekeepers live two lives. Sapling, Jamie's past self, has died, and now Jamie has to truly become a man and show no fear. A battle is fought and won. Eventually, Jamie comes back to his world and finds Scott. They find the two other Gatekeepers, Matt and Pedro. The circle is almost complete, but it is far from the end.


  1. Sounds like a good book! I like how you told the blog reader how you felt when you were readding the book. I also liked the way you ended your blog
    "The circle is almost complete, but it is far from the end."
    It sounds like you are enjoying the book. I might give it a try.

  2. I really encounter how zack really talks about the book makes him feel. Also how the author makes him feel when he reads the story. Zack goes on and on about the story and how the main character has problems that he has to face during life. I'm glad that i read this summary because he just makes it so intresting to read
