Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Last Judgment by Michelangelo

Michelangelo was born in Caprese, the Republic of Florence, in 1475, and was seen as one of the greatest artists of his time. He was an Italian sculptor, architect, painter, and poet. many people know him from the sculpture David and the masterpiece of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo was born at the end of the Renaissance, which was a prime time for art. Northern Italy had become the center of art and learning. 
23 years after he painted the miraculous ceiling, Michelangelo returned to the Sistine Chapel to paint, The Last Judgment. Even though this should have been easier to paint then the ceiling he painted before, it took him 6 years to complete The Last Judgment, while the Sistine Ceiling took him 4 years. He started the painting in 1535. It seemed like Michelangelo was working alone this time. "He worked slowly, still without help from his assistants. He survived a fall from his scaffolding to finish the wall in 1541" (Famous Artists: Michelangelo; page 27). This painting is describing the brutality of the end of the world, where souls would have to face a final judgment. 
Michelangelo put so much time and effort into this painting, showing details that would take days to discover. He created depths in The Last Judgment, showing the darkness of hell, the brightness of heaven, and the balance of the light on Earth. It is said that he made the painting so that people would go from the bottom left, and watch a short story that ended in the bottom right corner. Even though there are a lot of overwhelming images, it is clear that there are a few main ideas: The first shows Jesus in the middle of all the chaos, his hand raised as he sends the damned souls to hell. He is flanked by his mother, Mary. The second main image is Charon, the ferry man that deports the evil souls to the Underworld. The third image is very frightening and powerful. It shows King Minos, the King of Hell, surrounded by hungry looking demons. Many people were terrified of Michelangelo's interpretation of Judgment Day, so I think it is safe to say that people were intimidated by his work. 
Based on The Last Judgment, I can guess that Michelangelo was very religious, and he wanted to display his thoughts on Christianity. He made Jesus look very buff, showing that he has power and control. Strangely enough, he also made Minos buff, perhaps showing that he is evil and powerful. Maybe Michelangelo was trying to scare the world with this, or maybe his imagination was really warped. 
The reason I love The Last Judgment so much is because it is chaotic. Even creepy. A lot of artwork back in Michelangelo's time was peaceful, realistic. But Michelangelo brought a whole new meaning to art, showing of his brilliant mind, and fitting his opinions into his paintings and sculptures. The Last Judgment stands in the Vatican, still amazing people to this day.

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